Growth, Knowledge, Connections
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Join the growing list of companies to showcase the newest technologies, innovative products & services, and big ideas at the VR/AR Global Summit Europe 2020!



Become an exhibitor at the Global Summit!

If you’re interested to exhibit at the 2020 VR/AR Global Summit Europe, email

Exhibitor packages will be posted here soon!


Industry and brand Awareness

Within the VRARA, the thriving slack channel can produce enough information and leads to fuel a business - but you want numbers - So here they are. The Podcast reaches 5000+ weekly listeners, the association boasts 25,000 professional members, over 4200 companies registered, and has chapters in over 50 global cities that produce monthly events. Our social media has a 1M audience reach. Plainly,- if your business is immersive or utilizes immersive, the VRARA is the best way to reach the industry.


Evangelize - Educate > Workshop > Demo

A booth is a perfect place to start teaching. Make your product or service exponential by opening the doors to new developers, users, and use cases. Talk to our award-winning event production team to help you!


Lead Generation

In Lisbon, you’ll join industry leaders at our second year in this location. Our audience is driven by founders, executives, thought leaders, and businesses that rely on immersive tech for business. It’s a direct path to connect with industry decision makers without the clutter of an unfocused show or consumer-facing show. Get deals done with the best in the business.


Incentivized to produce results

Industry professionals and those either already using or planning to adopt immersive technologies are the main audience at Summit. Most attendees are here to make deals, grow their network, sell their services, source services, and products, hire top talent. Unlike bigger media production and content production shows, where immersive is an afterthought, The Summit is where immersive business is done.

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The VRARA is built on networking - the Global Summit.

Contact us for more inquiries

Anne-Marie Enns | Executive Producer

Kris Kolo | Global Executive Director

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